Project name

Innovative use of the cultural heritage of the Trinitarian monastery in Zašová

Allocation: total project costs – 4 624 328,- CZK, subsidy – 4 161 895,- CZK

The main objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness of the unique cultural heritage of the Trinitarian monastery in the village of Zašová through an innovative form of presentation of the monument

Project outputs. Other outputs of the project include cultural and educational activities and marketing tools to improve the presentation of the project

Transfer of good practice

Contact details

Municipality of Zašová
ID 00304476
Zašová 36, 756 51

Grant support

Financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Funds

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Funds

Cooperation with entities from donor countries


The cooperation is with a Norwegian animation and multimedia company that focuses on entertaining and informative concepts for their projects through animation. The partner’s involvement is in the preparation and implementation of the main key activity – a digital game with augmented reality. The partner is involved in the conceptual and content development of the mobile game and performs partial animation work.

Other partners

Matice zašovská

The importance of the partnership lies mainly in the long-term activities of the association, which help to protect the building of the Trinitarian monastery not only from a material point of view, but also from a spiritual point of view. The involvement of the partner takes place during the preparation and implementation phase of the project as a so-called supervisor for expert consultation in the field of conservation and setting the values of the historical context.

Zašová Children’s Home

The cooperation consists mainly of inclusive support in the preparation and implementation of the project. Boys and girls from the children’s home are involved in the preparatory and implementation phase, where the children are introduced to the process of creating augmented reality and animation and also have the opportunity to contribute their own outputs to the project.

Achieved practices during the implementation

Project implementation period: May 2022 – April 2024

  • October 2022 – signed contract with the contractor of the augmented reality mobile game
  • September 2022 – April 2023 implementation of six training events
  • April 2023 – project website and social media profiles launched
  • March, April, May 2023 - inclusive workshops in the Children's Home Zašová
  • September 2023 - printing and promotion of printed materials - leaflets for the mobile game and historical brochures The Story of the Monastery
  • October 2023 - Seminar: innovative use of cultural monuments, visit of Norwegian partners
  • October 2023 - Official launch of the game
  • October 2023 - Launch of media campaign
  • February 2024 - Seminar: Innovative use of cultural monuments held in Oslo.
  • April 2024 - Completion of the project, publication of the final report (see below)

Final project report

Sharing Good Practice Examples of Innovative Use of Cultural Heritage

Zašová, April 2024